Steph Kotula    

Cutting Room Floor


Fig 1. Concept for a CRM at Luxury Presence. Helping agents organize manage and organize their prospective buyers and sellers.

Fig 2A—Pitch concepts for the Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco (FAMSF). Bringing the museum experience to the forefront of the website experience. Large art imagery and easy access into the calendar elevate the importance and ease of getting visitors to the museum.

Fig 2B—Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco (cont’d) Exploring an interactive timeline of exhibits. Museums are journeys of art and discovery; the website can have moments like this too.

Fig 3—Exploring website moments for

Fig 4—Investment dashboard concept for fractional shares of real estate/investment properties.

Fig 5—A series of experiments made with Photoshop, Processing, and After Effects. The Cambridge Analytica scandal, and the attention economy as a whole had me thinking a lot about data rights, mis and dis information and the role of government in tech.

Fig 6—Crypto website concept

Fig 7—Streamers for Fortnite and Rocket League can earn money. Here’s two concepts for a dashboard allowing those streamers to view stats about their communities, earnings, players, and more.